Professor fizzwizzle serial
Professor fizzwizzle serial

professor fizzwizzle serial

The game isn't ugly by any means, but you'll never confuse this with the grade-A visuals found in Gameloft or Digital Chocolate productions. The levels sport a small amount of detail. The itty-bitty Fizzwizzle sprite shows zero expression. My only complaint is that the game looks like minimal effort was put into the Professor's appearance. That's nowhere near the 230 stages found in the PC download, but for a portable edition at a fraction of the price, you're getting some good puzzle thrills. With 60 puzzles, you should get a few hours of play out of Professor Fizzwizzle, making it a solid value. Just use the look feature to check out the entire board and try to work your way backwards from the exit. The solution always feels just within your grasp, you just may have to replay a stage several times (pressing zero restarts the puzzle) several times to discover the solution. Sounds like a mystery for Professor Fizzwizzle Bounce the Professors magic bubble around the board to break down walls and rescue animals. The difficulty is significantly boosted, but not to the point of hopeless frustration.

professor fizzwizzle serial

These stages pose little challenge, but once you graduate to the second batch of 20 stages, look out.


The first 20 stages are designed to get you familiar with the game mechanics, such as how to run on barrels and use items. I had a pretty good time with Fizzwizzle, actually. The ultimate goal is to somehow get from Fizzwizzle's starting gate to an escape pod of sorts, but this only sends the professor off to another stage for more action-puzzle antics. There are sci-fi toys to help your endeavors, such as freeze rays that make crates slide across sand and electromagnetic pulse guns that temporarily undo the hold of any nearby magnets. As the professor, you must negotiate a series of ledges by manipulating boxes and barrels. Fizzwizzle fans will find fewer stages in the mobile edition, but the core game play is intact.

Professor fizzwizzle serial